
Friday 24 July 2020

Posters On Kindness!

Hello bloggers, This is my poster on Kindness!
Hope you enjoy ^^ 


  1. Kia ora Tiannah,
    What a wonderful poster you made on Kindness. I really love how you put a tree and a grass that really goes with it. I also love how you put a quote and how to be kind. My question is, how long does it take you to finished your poster???. GREAT JOB!!
    By: Soloia

  2. Hi Tiannah. this poster is really good because if someone is not that kind or does not know how to show kindness it will really help them.

  3. kia ora Tiannah,
    I love your poster the background and the tree really suites your background.All those things you said on kindness is true.Please comment on my blog.

  4. kia ora Tiannah
    I love your poster at the background.I really like your drawing

    1. Hi my name is Patrick I like how you where talking about Kindness I love the background have a good day

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi tiannah I really like the colours you used for the background and I really like how you talked about kindness. but you could of maybe make the letters a bit bigger. but the poster is nice!


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